Sunday 7 August 2016

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

(Part 3)

1. Making real friends takes time so just take things slow.
You will meet someone on the first day of college, or even the first week, and they will become your instant BFF. 6 weeks later, you awkwardly pass them on the sidewalk and wonder why you were even friends to begin with. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. You don’t become instant best friends with someone in the matter of a few hours. Finding true friends who will be there for you might take even more than a year. 

2. Just because a karan johar movie portrayed love in college in the most cliched way possible doesn't mean you will fall in love right away. i know, its college and all that.. but again coming back to the theme of taking things slow, dont just rush into relationships or flings. These are the mistakes you'll regret for the next 3 years and maybe for the rest of your life. Spare yourself the torture. Being nineteen is a weird age. You’re brought into a world full of possibilities, but are barely old enough to embrace them. The freedom is intoxicating, as are, you know, the actual intoxicants.

3. You NEED to know this. That drinking a bunch of water before drinking would also help prevent hangovers and drinking on an empty stomach can dramatically affect how drunk you get. That drinking is exponential; “one or two” last shots can be the difference between a wild night and a big mistake. “A drink and two beers” can be anywhere from three to seven drinks, and that range is wildly different. And most importantly, That people respond differently to different things, so trust your instincts and body.
4. Learn how to deal with roommates. It’s not easy living in the same room as someone, no matter how well you get along. From coordinating sleep schedules to when you can have guests over, having a roommate requires constant communication and compromising. Whether you choose to live with someone who you already know or with someone new, being direct, open and considerate can help build a successful relationship with your roommate. 
 5. Manage your finances. It is very important to start managing your finances early, and college is a great place to start. There are many ways you can cut back on costs while in school if you think strategically. Search for the cheapest place to buy textbooks, such as renting them for the semester through Amazon. Look into scholarships through your school or outside organizations. Sites like Scholarships.comcan help you find scholarships that are specific to your needs. And if your schedule allows, get a part-time job so you can help pay for food and housing. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride.

Saturday 6 August 2016

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

(Part 2)

Okay, So adding to part 1, here are 5 more things that i wish i knew before college.

1. You will meet people who drink and smoke (Even i judged them in the beginning) but trust me, its okay. If you dont want to do it, then please dont. But if someone does, understand that it is absolutely okay! Dont Judge people.

2. Come well prepared for college. Read as many books as you can about your course before coming. Never underestimate the power of knowledge, you can never be overeducated. Read as much as you can.

3. If you were a really nice studios kid back school, congratulations. But now school is over. If you're lucky enough you might find people like you but, rarely happens that even those people haven't watched FRIENDS or GOT or Orange is the new black and so on.. so catch up on what people are watching if you wanna be part of conversations in college.(just saying)

4. It is okay to not know what you want to do with life. Dont be ashamed to explore your options and grab every opportunity you get that could help you figure that out.

5. Carry every homemade food item that you can with you. With all that said, chill. Relax. Everyone will be cooperative. Talk to people. Dont hold back yourself. Show your talents and groom them. Do what makes you happy.

[Hope you are enjoying it. Please keep mailing me if you wanna ask something or add something to the list at]

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

(Part 1)

Okay, So guys this is my 3rd month of freshmen year and there are so many things i wish i knew before college. We will take things slow and short, 5 at a time.

1. Once you are in college, no body really care who you were in school (Good News for Some and Reallllly bad for others). It is indeed a new beginning, if you weren't really popular in school and hated the biased teachers and the system, this is your opportunity-College. But if you were famous and loved in your school, You are really gonna have a hard time adjusting, cause suddenly you'll have identity crisis, relax. Start Afresh. (That is the only option, so ya.)

2. Its nice to be Optimistic about your relationships (yes, bestfriends and other included.) and i hope and wish the best for you but as harsh as it is to say it (and as much as you deny and argue about it) long distance relationships DON'T work (exceptions are there but then, how many?) and even when they do, its the not the same anymore.

3. No matter how much you hate your hometown and restrictions at home and everything, you will miss home. So stop being an ass and be good to your parents and people around you because if you don't, it will come to you as regrets in the night you feel lonely and miss home. so just don't, don't be so rude. Personality is so much more telling about how well you'll do in life.
4. There isn't a single college in the world that will keep you at your job if you don't perform. Once you're employed, it all comes down to how you do once you're there. Are you dependable, persistent and diligent? If so, awesome. Your career choices will be wide open. If you're not, it's time to consider how you can become that "ideal employee." And good news: It's totally doable to become a better worker, so get crackin'. But not even for a moment think that just because you got into a good college, life will be easy for you. NO. Work hard.

5. Busting a Big Myth (and i know this will shock many of you) As fun as being in college is assumed, you will have to study. Instead, The possibility of the need of putting in more efforts and time for reading and studying increasing is more. So don't make a mistake of going crazy for parties and all that, you still need to pass your exams, which obviously are going to be of higher level than school exams.(whaaaaaattt...!!!? yeah.)